National Videogame Museum

Posted: September 11, 2021

National Videogame Museum in Frisco, TX.

National Videogame Museum National Videogame Museum Statue Collection of Early consoles Magnavox Odyssey

The Magnavox Odyssey, my very first console as a kid.

Nintendo World Championship cartridge Sega IR-7000

The Sega IR-7000. A personal device I had as a kid but never got to fully experience it. No one I knew had another one, so all I could do was hope there was some random person out there receiving communications through the IR port.

Donkey Kong collection Pirated cartridges for the NES Nintendo Power Glove Nintendo Power Glove and Batter-Up

I used to love my Batter-Up while playing Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball

GameBoy Color collection Apple IIe Nintendo Watches